学者 » 学校心理咨询 & 学院建议

学校心理咨询 & 学院建议

The 咨询 program at Damien is concerned with the academic/career, 个人/社会, and spiritual growth of each student. Emphasis is placed on academic preparation and course scheduling; decision-making; 社会 development; and especially on the college search, 选择, 以及申请流程. 咨询 takes place in a variety of forums: individually, 在小组中, 在课堂上, 以及在类级别程序集中. Though students are assigned a counselor, they are able to meet with any counselor depending on the situation, 他们的咨询师是否有空, 或者其他因素.
Students are encouraged to consult any faculty member with whom they feel personally comfortable as well. If specialized needs arise, students may be referred to an appropriate on- or off-campus specialist.
Counselors encourage students and their parents to make appropriate academic decisions that lead to success in high school and post-secondary education. 在达米安大学读书期间, counselors introduce the concept of college and career pathways, assess and counsel students about their interests, and help students make connections between their current academic progress and future college plans.
Counselors help students understand the relationship between consistent efforts in school and success in college. Counselors provide expertise to juniors and seniors as they engage in the college search, 选择, 以及申请流程.
找大学, 选择, 以及申请流程 is one of the most important projects you will complete during high school. It is important to remember the goal of the process is to find the school that is the best fit for your particular academic, 社会, 以及个人需求和目标.
There are a lot of elements in the application process, which can make it seem overwhelming at times. With the proper planning and ownership of the process, 然而, you should have no trouble completing the work necessary to complete your applications successfully.
There are several foundational elements during the process, which the student must strive to own. 填写申请表, keeping your Naviance account up-to-date, 在所有事情上都处于领先地位. Since the student is the owner of college application process, counselors will expect the student to ask any questions about any portion of the process in person. It is much easier to answer questions if you login to your applications and you and a counselor can address the questions specifically and individually.
The process is best viewed as consisting of three distinct, but ultimately related, parts:
搜索: This is the first, investigative step. The purpose of this step is to research schools in search of those that are the best FIT.

选择: This is the exercise of narrowing-down the schools you have researched into a manageable number of schools to which you have selected to submit applications.

应用程序: This is the final step in the process, which consists of filling-out applications, writing personal statements and supplements (as necessary), 发送考试成绩, 获得教师推荐, 支付费用.
Damien's School Code (for SAT, ACT, and college applications) is 052502.
The 咨询 Department manages most of our college information from Naviance, a "one-stop shop" to which students and parents have access, beginning in the student's freshman year.
You can reach the Naviance (Family Connection) login page here: http://student.naviance.com/damien
Among the items students and parents will find in Naviance are: 
  • Links to the most important websites used during the college search, 选择, 以及申请流程.
  • College and scholarship search utilities.
  • Important college-application-related tools for use in recommendations, 学校的报告, 还有更多.
  • Student GPA and testing information.
  • 一个学生简历制作师.
不时地, we recognize that solutions to learning issues are related to factors outside our classrooms. 在这方面, we have contracted with Outreach Concern 咨询 to provide short-term review to help students deal with persona, 行为, and/or family problems that interfere with student learning or 社会 progress. Parents can refer their son for an appointment with one of the counselors, and students can also self-refer to be seen.
There are two ways a parent can contact the counselors: 
Call the Outreach Concern office at (909) 596-1946 ext. 290.
  • 发送电子邮件至 (电子邮件保护)
  • In the subject line, please write: REFERRAL
  • Please refrain from putting the student's name in the subject line, in order to maintain student privacy.
  • In the body of the email, provide the name of the student and the reason(s) for the referral.
  • The Outreach Concern counselor will follow up by telephone call or in person.
College representatives who wish to schedule a visit to Damien are welcome to contact Ms. 拉特, 咨询及学院助理, via email or phone call in order to schedule an appointment to visit the campus.
Representative visits are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.
杰夫•Coray 副校长 & 辅导主任|
909.596.1946 ext. 248
Sara Pertusati School Counselor and College Advisor/Testing Coordinator |
909.596.1946 ext. 266
迭戈•莫拉 School Counselor and College Advisor/NCAA Advisor |
909.596.1946 ext. 237
塞尔吉奥•Almazan School Counselor and College Advisor |
909.596.1946 ext. 254
安德里亚·冈田克也 School Counselor and College Advisor | 
909.596.1946 ext. 263
朗达鲁特, 咨询及学院助理 |
909.596.1946 ext. 231